Honduras 2014 Mac Humanitarian Project Proposal
We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. In Honduras, CARE’s work focuses on tackling the causes of poverty in Honduras’ poorest communities. Our current programs include health and nutrition, small business development, agroforestry, irrigation, micro-watershed protection and environmental education. Project Director - Honduras Humanitarian Response to Hurricanes Eta and Iota - 6 month assignment. In the first two weeks of November, first Hurricane Eta and then Iota made landfall in Central America, leaving in their wake sustained rain, flooding, and landslides throughout the region.
Honduras 2014 Mac Humanitarian Project Management
As the global effects of the Coronavirus continues to rapidly increase around the world, the financial effects are also being felt by many families and communities who have lost their source of income to provide for their families on the island of Roatan, Honduras. Being a small island with a general population of approximately 65,000 persons, the primary source of income for local families on the island is dependent primarily on tourism, with this being air and cruise travels.
Since the breakout of the Coronavirus and the threat of the virus coming to our shores, the island has shut down entry to all persons/tourist travelling to the island thereby totally eliminating the tourism sector with the hotels being void of on island guest and no cruise ships coming to our shores with short term visitors. As it was, a family’s income was scarcely providing for their basic needs and now with there being no source of income from the tourism industry, there are now many persons who cannot afford to provide meals for their families. This has become a great struggle for many families whereby there are now seeking assistance.
In solidarity of assisting the people of Roatan, Honduras during this COVID-19 epidemic a small group of individuals known as the Roatan East Side Family Foundation (RESFF) has been formed to raise funding and food supplies to assist and support families in their times of need. Even with the best of intentions the RESFF is also struggling to raise funding and food supplies, to provide for the many persons that are in need of help.
In asking for your help we have set our goal at US$5,000. These funds are to buy basic food items locally which is to be distributed to families who have been impacted by the loss of income and who are in need of assistance. Needless to say, should our goal be exceeded this will be a blessing so that we will be in a position to provide for more families in need. Additionally, as a donation to this worthy cause we have not limited ourselves to just monetary awards but should there be a source donation as shipment of food items to our island (this is permitted) or local food donations, this too will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your kind consideration and God bless.